Any person or entity who, like you, is planning to buy a business already operating. Take care because there are not included in Reempresa those people who only want to buy a minority stake of a company or business. In those cases, you can contact Business Angels network.
Due to the entities which are promoting Reempresa have received a public co-funding, you should know that our services have no cost for you, neither for business sellers.
To do this, you only have to register as a user in the following form, where you can choose the Reempresa Service Point in which you want to be treated.
There are 6 key points to start the transferring process of a business.
Access here to the published ads of Reempresa.
We developed a buyer’s guide with the methodology to assist you in Reempresa processes and allow you to answer this question: How can I find the ideal business to buy?
Does Reempresa’s service preserve confidentiality? Once I have registered, what do I have to do if I am interested in a business ad? These and more questions are the ones we try to answer in this section.