La Reempresa a Europa

According to the European Commission, every year Europe loses approximately 150.000 firms, which account for some 600.000 jobs, due exclusively to business transfers inefficiencies. The European Commission also estimated that business transfers affect up to 450.000 SMEs and 2 million jobs every year.

The aging of European people suggests that in next 10 years, one third of entrepreneurs will withdraw from their business. Although some of them still undertake a new business, it is calculated that to a total of 690.000 companies, mostly SMEs , and around a 2.9 million of workers, will change its ownership every year.

While the business transfer within the family is still the most usual. The number of transferences to third parties is increasing, and that is why are structuring mechanisms to assist in business transfer and facilitate the correspondence between supply and demand, always with a specific methodology.

Given the ability to generate wealth, innovation and employment at lower costs than the creation “exnovo”, most of our neighbors have structured data bases and markets (public, semi-public and private) to facilitate the business transferences. 


Transeo is the European Association for SME Transfer which objective is to improve SME transfers by exchanging good practices and knowledge between them in order to stimulate SME transfer around Europe, also represents their interests at long term.

Founded in 2010, Transeo is a nonprofit international organization that connects:

Private companies:  M&A, matching platforms, lawyers, auditors, accountants, tax experts, banks and all intermediaries and agencies involved in business transfer.

Public institutions: Chambers of commerce, economic development agencies, public financial organizations, platforms and matching public programs, etc.

Academician and researchers: Universities, business schools, research centers,e tc.

From March 2013, the Catalan Reempresa Centre is member of the organization, being the only Spanish member. From November 2014, takes part of the Association’s Board

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