Reempresa saves 2.000 companies from closing down

Publish on 13-02-2019

Start date: 13-02-2019

End date: 13-02-2019

2018 was a great year for Reempresa, transferring more than 530 small companies which allowed them to achieve the 2.000 successful business transfers and saving more than 6.000 jobs in Catalonia since they started in 2011.

The results were presented at a press conference held last 13th February in Barcelona with their president, Mr. Antoni Abad, and Reempresa’s Director and Transeo’s Board Member, Mr. Albert Colomer, who emphasized that the market has generated more than 95 million euros on deals, and has become a useful system to ensure continuation of SMEs and new opportunities for entrepreneurs, often, unemployed professionals.

2 testimonials shared their experience, as sellers and buyers, on how Reempresa helped them to find their counterpart and how they dealt with the transition and the challenges ahead. Reempresa’s most common selling reason is still “retirement”.

The Centre de Reempresa de Catalunya have more than 80 offices around the region and more than 150 advisors thanks to the collaboration of a wide network of local public business agencies. This public-private partnership has been identified as a key success factor to ensure a coordinated reaction in front of the succession problem of SMEs.

A study recently carried on by Reempresa showed some remarkable figures about the survival and post-transfer performance of those SMEs. For example, more than 87% of them are still running after 1 year and, for example, 75% of them say that their turnover has increased, while 62% say they have brought innovation in their products, services, technology, organizational, etc.


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